
Khawaja Muhammad Abdur Rehman Choharvi was born in Chohar Sharif, a
village in the district of Haripur, KP, Pakistan.

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Tehqeeqat Ibn e Arabi

The IRDI’s research on Ibn al-‘Arabi, the renowned Sufi philosopher and mystic, delves into various aspects of his life, work, and influence.

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Research on Rumi’s Mathnavi

Research on the “Mathnavi-i Ma’navi” (Spiritual Couplets) by Maulana Jalal al-Din Rumi spans numerous dimensions due to its rich content and profound influence on Islamic mysticism

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Psychology of Higher Religion

There are various interpretations of the concept of Normality, including “Normality as Health,” “Normality as Average,” “Normality as Utopia,” and “Normality as Process.”

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Iqbal Studies

The IRDI is dedicated to comprehensive research on various dimensions of Allama Iqbal’s philosophy. As the spiritual father of Pakistan, Allama Iqbal has left a profound impact on

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Social Uplift Activities

The purpose of IRDI’s intellectual, research, and thought-provoking activities is to elevate society from a social perspective. To achieve social upliftment, IRDI focuses on

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