Research Journal

Institute of Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI) is publishing  a research journal Faith and Discovery. It is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed biannual research Journal of international repute. Research articles related to Sufism, Spirituality, Psychology and Iqbal Studies by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the Faith and Discovery research Journal.  The main purpose of publishing Faith and Discovery is to explore those aspects of the mystical tradition of Islam that have been effective to improve individual and collective morality. The character-building dimension of Islamic Sufism is very prominently described in the philosophy of Allama Iqbal. According to him it is the experience which is very foundation of Islamic mysticism: ‘It is, then, in the sense of this last phase [i.e. discovery/religious experience] in the development of religious life that I use the word religion … Yet higher religion, which is only a search for a larger life, is essentially experience and recognized the necessity of experience as its foundation long before science learnt to do so. It is a genuine effort to clarify human consciousness, and is, as such, as critical of its level of experience as Naturalism is of its own level.’ (Reconstruction, pp.143-144) So, without practical application of the teachings of Sufism, Allama Iqbal’s philosophy of Self is not only not comprehensible, but also its effectiveness cannot be made observable in the society. Modern research in the field of psychology is also helpful for achieving this goal. Faith and Discovery publishes research articles on the themes related to the moral, intellectual, spiritual and behavioral development of the human personality. The purpose of publishing these articles is to promote such research attitudes in the society that can introduce effective measures for building human character and behavior in the light of basic teachings, thoughts and concepts related to Sufism, Spirituality, inter-relationship of science, religion, philosophy and spirituality; faith and environment and Iqbal Studies. To achieve this goal, research in modern psychology is also supportive and helpful. Since Islamic mysticism addresses human personality in its entirety as Iqbal Says: ‘It would, therefore, be evident that the secret of the vitality of Sufism is the complete view of human nature upon which it is based. It has survived orthodox persecutions and political revolutions, because it appeals to human nature in its entirety’. (The Development of Metaphysics in Persia, pp.95-96) So, the effectiveness of these measures may be seen practically in different areas of life.

This RJ will encourage new forms of knowledge sharing, re-appraising the dialogistic and research explorative between academics, professional and experimental writers.
Website of RJ:
ISSN (p): 3007-0643 ISSN (e): 3007-0651
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