Welcome to IRDI

The Institute of Research, Development and Innovation (IRDI) was established with the primary objective of cultivating a culture of research, a key driver of social, political, and economic advancement in any society. In Pakistan, the culture of research, especially in the social sciences, has not been sufficiently promoted, leading to a reliance on assumptions and speculations. As a result, critical issues remain unaddressed, and educational institutions often fail to tackle contemporary challenges effectively due to the lack of high-level research. IRDI aims to fill this gap by promoting rigorous research that is essential for holistic societal growth and development.


The institute is particularly focused on exploring the intersections of spirituality, Sufism, and moral development, drawing inspiration from the philosophy of Allama Iqbal. Iqbal emphasized the importance of experiential knowledge as the foundation of Islamic mysticism, highlighting that practical engagement with Sufi teachings is crucial for understanding his concept of the Self (khudi) and for fostering moral and spiritual
development in society. In this regard, IRDI seeks to apply the teachings of Sufism to modern societal challenges, integrating insights from psychology to advance character building, ethical behavior, and intellectual growth.

IRDI’s research spans several fields, including religion, law, literature, philosophy, and Iqbal Studies. It focuses on
ijtihad (independent reasoning) in law, ethics and spiritual connection in religion, and the application of Iqbal’s thought across individual, societal, and global contexts. In philosophy, the institute explores the inter-disciplinary unity of knowledge, while its literary research promotes human values, tolerance, and mutual
understanding. Through this multidisciplinary approach, IRDI aims to foster a deeper understanding of individual and societal progress, contributing to the intellectual and moral development of individuals and communities.