Iqbal Studies
The IRDI is dedicated to comprehensive research on various dimensions of Allama Iqbal’s philosophy. As the spiritual father of Pakistan, Allama Iqbal has left a profound impact on every aspect of our national life. He emphasized the significance of experiential knowledge as a cornerstone of Islamic mysticism, stressing that practical engagement with Sufi teachings is essential for grasping his concept of the Self (Khudi) and promoting moral and spiritual growth within society. In line with this, the IRDI seeks to delve into his thoughts and explore their relevance to contemporary societal challenges, using his insights to foster character development, ethical conduct, and intellectual advancement.
IRDI’s research extends across multiple disciplines, including religion, law, literature, philosophy, and Iqbal Studies. It emphasizes ijtihad (independent reasoning) within the legal framework, the connection between ethics and spirituality in religion, and the application of Iqbal’s teachings to individual, societal, and global contexts. In the field of philosophy, the IRDI investigates the interdisciplinary unity of knowledge, while its literary research emphasizes human values, tolerance, and mutual respect. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the IRDI seeks to apply Allama Iqbal’s thought for a deeper understanding of individual and societal advancement, thereby contributing to the intellectual and moral growth of individuals and communities.
The essential areas of research in Iqbal Studies encompass a wide range of topics, reflecting the depth and diversity of Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s work and influence. Here are some significant areas to consider:
Philosophy and Metaphysics:
Exploration of Iqbal’s philosophical thought, focusing on his conception of selfhood (Khudi) and ego.
Comparative studies of Iqbal’s philosophy with Western and Eastern philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kant, Rumi, and Bergson.
Analysis of Iqbal’s concept of time, space, and the nature of reality.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
اقبال کا تصور زماں؛ تحقیق و تفہیم کے نئے گوشے
اقبال کا تصور عشق
تشکیل جدید کا دیباچہ
تصور زماں: صوفیا اور فلاسفہ کا موقف
خطبات اقبال : تسہیل و توضیح
دیباچہ خطبات کی معنویت
Dimensions of Understanding Iqbal
Harf e Teh dar
Index of Persian Poetry of Iqbal
Index of Prose Works of Iqbal
Significance of Preface of Reconstruction
Time in Perspective of Holy Quran
Time in Perspective of Iqbal’s Thought
Time in Perspective of Modern Science
Time in Perspective of Muslim Mystic Tradition
Time in Perspective of Philosophy
Islamic Thought and Reform:
Iqbal’s reinterpretation of Islamic principles and its relevance to contemporary Muslim society.
Study of Iqbal’s critique of traditionalism and his vision for ijtihad (intellectual renewal) in Islam.
Iqbal’s contribution to the philosophy of Islamic jurisprudence.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
فکر اقبال اور فہم قرآن کی جہات
Philosophical Interpretation of Quran Verses by Iqbal
Quranic Verses in Reconstruction
:متفرق موضوعات
Anxiety Management of Islam
Interest: An analysis
اجتھاد: مشکلات و امکانات
اسلام میں فتوی کی روایت
ربو فقہ اربعہ میں
سیرت کی جہات
علوم میں وحدت کی تلاش
الفرقان الحدید
فہم قران کا منھج
ماہیت ربو
Political Thought and Muslim Identity:
Examination of Iqbal’s vision for the political and social upliftment of Muslims.
Role of Iqbal’s thoughts in the creation of Pakistan and his influence on South Asian politics.
Comparative analysis of Iqbal’s political philosophy with contemporary leaders and movements.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
Iqbal’s Concept of Democracy
Educational Philosophy:
Iqbal’s views on education and their relevance in modern educational systems.
Study of Iqbal’s emphasis on character-building and the role of education in personal and societal transformation.
Literature and Poetry Analysis:
Detailed study of Iqbal’s poetry, including analysis of his Persian and Urdu works.
Examination of key themes in Iqbal’s poetry, such as self-actualization, spiritual awakening, and love for humanity.
Linguistic, rhetorical, and stylistic aspects of Iqbal’s literary work.
Impact of Rumi and other Sufi poets on Iqbal’s poetic works.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
بال جبریل اور اقبال کا فکر
Selection of Poetry of Iqbal: Urdu & Persian
متفرق موضوعات:
غالب کی فکر کی ہمہ گیری
غالب زندگی کے امکانات کا شاعر
زندگی مضمر ہے تری شوخی تحریر میں
ہائیڈیگر اور غالب
غالب اور تصور وجود و عدم
حرف و معنی کا رشتہ اور غالب کی عبقریت
خطوط اور کلام غالب کا ربط: غالب کے ذہنی رویے
غالب کی مشکلات: غلب جیسا عبقری اعلی منازل پر کیوں نہ پہنچا
امکان زندگی: غالب کے اردو اور فارسی کلام میں
مغرب میں غالب شناسی: چند اشارات
تفہیم غالب: لطائف اور دیباچے کے تناظر میں
بیدل شبستری اور غالب
Socio-Economic Philosophy:
Study of Iqbal’s economic views, including his critique of capitalism and materialism.
Analysis of Iqbal’s ideas on social justice, economic equality, and their implications for contemporary society.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
Economic Thought pf Iqbal
Iqbal and Comparative Studies:
Comparative studies of Iqbal’s work with Western philosophers and poets like Goethe and Hegel.
Iqbal’s influence on the global Islamic awakening and his legacy in different parts of the Muslim world.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
رومی و اقبال:تصور علم
رومی و اقبال:عقل جزوی و کلی
رومی و اقبال:نظریہ عشق
وحی اور فلسفہ کا تقابل: رومی و اقبال کے تصور
Loyola Hall Lectures of Dr. Tahir Hameed Tanoli
Rumi’s Concept of Time
Ethics and Morality:
Exploration of ethical and moral principles in Iqbal’s philosophy and their relevance in today’s ethical dilemmas.
Study of Iqbal’s views on the moral responsibility of the individual and the collective society.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
رومی کی حکایات: اسلوب و معنویت
Iqbal and Modern Science:
Examination of Iqbal’s views on science, reason, and their interaction with religious thought.
Study of Iqbal’s engagement with scientific developments of his time and their impact on his philosophical worldview.
Iqbal’s Influence on Contemporary Thought:
Research on the influence of Iqbal’s philosophy on contemporary Muslim thinkers, political leaders, and reformists.
Study of how Iqbal’s ideas are being adapted and interpreted in the modern era.
Psychology and Spiritual Development:
Analysis of Iqbal’s ideas on self-growth, spiritual transformation, and personal development.
Iqbal’s views on the psychology of the individual in relation to society and spiritual identity.
Iqbal and Tasawwuf (Sufism):
Iqbal’s critique and interpretation of Sufism, especially focusing on its role in empowering the self and contributing to societal progress.
Exploration of the tension between Iqbal’s dynamic approach to Sufism and traditional forms of mysticism.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
ابن عربی اور اقبال کا تصور زماں
رومی اور اقبال کا تصور زماں
رومی کا نظریہ اضداد اور ہیگل کی جدلیاتی منطق ۔ فکر اقبال کے تناظر میں
Iqbal’s Engagement with Colonialism:
Study of Iqbal’s critique of colonialism and his vision for post-colonial society and governance.
Examination of his strategies for Muslim empowerment in a colonized world.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
فکر اقبال کی تہذیبی اہمیت
Cultural Studies:
Iqbal’s contributions to the cultural identity and heritage of South Asia.
Influence of Iqbal’s thoughts on contemporary arts, music, and literature.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
تہذیب: تصور و حقیقت
تہذیبی فکر۔ اسلامی تہذیب
معاصر تہذیبی فکر اور اقبال
Civilizational significance of Iqbal’s Thought
Clash of Civilization- Iqbal’s Perspective
Islam Haqeeqt o Mazahir (اسلام: حقیقت و مظاہر), Urdu Translation of Ideals and Realiteis of Islam by Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Suheyl Academy, Lahore. (UP)
Nazria Pakistan ka amli Itliq (نظریہ پاکستان کا عملی اطلاق), Urdu Translation of Ideology of Pakistan by Dr. Javid Iqbal (UP)
Contemporary Civilization Thought: An analysis
Pakistan: Present and Future in Civilizational Context
Iqbal’s Correspondence and Personal Writings:
Study of Iqbal’s letters, essays, and personal writings for insights into his philosophical evolution.
Analysis of his private thoughts on personal, social, and political matters through his correspondence.
The research on these areas will provide a broader framework to explore Iqbal’s profound impact on philosophy, literature, politics, and Islamic thought. Each area allows for deeper engagement with his works and their relevance to contemporary issues.
The following project(s) regarding this domain is (are) under completion in IRDI:
Footnotes of Iqbal on his study books